What if we all took the great commission seriously?

Written by: Chelsea Anderson

Something that has stood out to me over the past few years is the last words that the risen Jesus gave to the disciples:

Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:16-20

There are some really significant lessons that this passage has been teaching me and challenging me in, but in order to be brief, I will go over the ones that have influenced the vision the Lord has given us for the Gospel-centered community that He is calling JMU BCM to house.

First, take a look at verse 16. The disciples went to the place Jesus told them to go. Though their lives have turned upside down, they are confused and disappointed with the death of their King, the one who they thought would overcome Rome, they are obedient. They put one foot in front of the other and go to the place where they would meet the risen Jesus. Then, upon seeing Him in the flesh after knowing that he died, not all of the disciples worship. Some of them doubt. One of my favorite commentators put it like this:

“When they recognized him, it was natural that they worshipped him, but the whole experience was so mysterious and overwhelming that some doubted…The verb distazo does not denote a settled unbelief, but a state of uncertainty and hesitation.” (France)

In sorting through the calling to come to JMU, I experienced distazo, I felt in a state of uncertainty or hesitation. Was God really calling us? Is this what we’re supposed to do?

The way Jesus reacts to the disciples who worshipped and those who doubted has been a deep encouragement today. He gives them BOTH the same charge. The charge to GO and make disciples.

Even when we’re feeling stunned, overwhelmed, uncertain or full of hesitation? He calls us to go. He calls us to make disciples. That is our posture as staff at the BCM. We are imperfect disciples. We too, sometimes are full of uncertainty and hesitation, but we also know the resurrected Jesus has given us a mission, a task, a duty that we must take seriously.

The second part of the passage that stood out to be was the fact that not only did he call the disciples to do something hard whether they found themselves in worship or doubt, but then he gave them a promise: “And surely I am with you always.

He is with us. As we pray for the campus of JMU. As we pray for the city of Harrisonburg. As we engage in our community, as we disciple others, as we share the Gospel, Jesus promises one thing: He is with us.

Our vision for JMU BCM is to take the great commission seriously… in our worship and in our doubt. To care for those that Jesus loves, to be His hands and feet on the campus. We don’t want to be another social club, we want to be an equipping center, a place where you can connect with ministry that is already happening in the city of Harrisonburg. A place where you can be prayed for as you seek to learn what it means to follow Jesus. We want to be a safe place to ask questions, be willing to wrestle through doubts, receive pastoral care and prayer. We want to be a picture of a community of believers and teach you how to be a part of the local church.

We’re excited about what God is doing in Harrisonburg, at James Madison University and we look forward to walking with you on your faith journey. We’re praying that as we seek to take God at His word and take His commandments and the Gospel seriously, that lives will be changed and the Kingdom of God would burst through and clearly show God’s kindness, grace and compassion to all who encounter it.


Sheep in the Shadows